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In article >, jmcquown
> wrote:

> I know how to cook them. But stupidly, I bought a family pack (24 thighs)
> and didn't separate them before I stuck the package in the freezer last
> month. If I plan to grill chicken thighs for Labor Day (not yet determined
> by law), I'll have to thaw 24 of these suckers, or at least partially thaw
> them so I can separate out about 12 of them. My grill is a regular Webber
> kettle and wouldn't hold more than 12 thighs. As it is, I'll have to
> re-freeze some of the *cooked* thighs which is fine because I'll have good
> leftovers.
> Anyway, can I safely half-defrost and then shove the rest in freezer bags
> and put them back in the freezer? Or should I plan to grill half and make
> chicken stew or cacciatore or whatever within the next day or so with the
> remaining 12 thighs?
> Jill <--kicking herself for not separating the package before freezing it.

Some said to partially thaw, even to break apart those you want to
grill; partial thaw then refreeze is safe.

If you thaw them all, use what you don't grill for some enchiladas; the
cooked enchilada filling will keep a couple of days in the fridge until
you're ready to heat 'em up.