Advice needed on roasting a suckling pig in a clay oven
first of all I'd like to express my deepest sympathy for the people of
Louisiana and other states that were hit by this terrible disaster. I
hope things will work out better than they appear to now.
But to take your mind off these horrors for a bit, let me ask you for
some advice. I built a clay oven (from clay mixed with straw and sand)
not too long ago and it works wonderfully for baking pizzas, Flammkuchen
(or tarte flambee)or the Indian bread naan. The oven is fired with wood
and gets very hot after 2-3 hours (a pizza takes about 1 min with a very
crisp crust!). The other day I tried to bake bread with a store-bought
bread mix and it came out a lump of charcoal after one hour of baking
(the fire had been cleared out after I had baked a number of pizzas and
before I put the bread dough in). I guess I'll have to experiment a
little more. I must have put the bread in too early, should have let the
oven cool off a bit first.
Now I would like to roast a suckling pig in my oven. But naturally this
is too expensive to experiment with. Does anyone have any experience
with this sort of thing? At which temperature to put the thing in the
oven, for how long?
Werner from Saarbruecken, Germany