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  #208 (permalink)   Report Post  
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It's not the force of nature that GW is to be blamed, but rather in
that the ACOE requested $240M for levee and flood control work, and the
administration (and Congress) saw fit to budget $40M. Meanwhile ...

" At $286.4 billion, the highway bill just passed by Congress is the
most expensive public works legislation in US history. ... The bill
funnels upward of $941 million to 119 earmarked projects in Alaska,
including $223 million for a mile-long bridge linking an island with 50
residents to a town of 8,000. Another $231 million is earmarked for a
new bridge in Anchorage, to be named -- this is specified in the
legislation -- Don Young's Way."

Half a billion for bridges in Alaska ? $40M to protect a major city ?
You don't see the problem with this ?

Never mind, GW taking his time to come off of vacation ....