sf replied to Andy:
>> As for the looters, imho, they should simply have their wrists broken on
>> sight as punishment to fit the crime!
>> No mercy,
>> Andy
> Maybe there are looters who are out to make a profit, but I think most
> of them are just trying to survive.
Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:
My SO's bro just got orders and will be deployed to NO tonight.
What is significant and not neccessarily reported in the news is that,
essentially he is leading his unit there to shoot to kill. Most national
guards are trained to do crowd control, or rescue; but his is specifially
running the tactical unit (Bortac). He said he would prefer to arm
his units with rifles (shots than will scatter a wide area) than machine
guns right now...but we will see what he would sign out from the arsenal
for his men...they are gonan stay for a month as told.
Apparently the gangs had taken over Metrodome, and started moving across
town to the nice rich area in NO. Let just say that most of the really
rich people in the south live in that area, and there are a lot of
Picassos being left behind....I do not think that this is just about
shooting someone who try to steal a TV from Walmart.
Tonight we were making satellite maps for her bro while he was back with
his unit preparing to board the cargo plane. My SO went to school in NO
and gave her bro all the tips he needed...(which gangs, which building in
which district to hide, which projects, which buildings has hidden medical
This is going to be very messy before it will be OK again. NO will never
be the same. The Jesuit owned lands will probably be OK and restored, as
will the French Quarter, but the rest would probably be left to rot...