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Stark > wrote in

> In article >,
> Graphic Queen > wrote:
>> On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 04:40:32 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:
>> >sf wrote:
>> >
>> >> Sandi - you're absolutely right. Those who could
>> >> leave, did leave. Those who stayed either couldn't
>> >> leave or were fool hearty.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >If I had a year's supply of food and water, I'd still
>> >leave for a good while.
>> >
>> >In practical terms, New Orleans is dead.
>> >
>> >Imho,
>> >
>> >Andy

>> And they should not rebuild in the same place at all.

> What about all those Florida and East Coast habitats that
> are always getting hit and the homes and beaches rebuilt,
> much of it with taxpayer money. Maybe it's just the NO
> ghettos that shouldn't be rebuilt? How about building only
> gated/leveed communities; I bet Donald Trump might be
> interested.

well, why *should* the people who are below poverty level get
stuck *back* in a below sealevel ghetto?
no one should be living on the Outer Banks of the Carolinas,
especially not in multi-million dollar mansions. no one should
be allowed to build cliffside homes in California, and no one
should be living on a sinking river delta. why is that so hard
to understand?
the French Quarter of NO is relatively ok, so keep the
tourist attraction & rebuild the actual city somewhere out of
the floodplains.
i wouldn't be overly surprised if those homeowners that had
insurance that covered hurricanes find out that they *don't*
cover floods...

war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength
1984-George Orwell