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Dee Randall
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"Bob" > wrote in message
> sf replied to Andy:
>>> As for the looters, imho, they should simply have their wrists broken
>>> on
>>> sight as punishment to fit the crime!
>>> No mercy,
>>> Andy

>> Maybe there are looters who are out to make a profit, but I think most
>> of them are just trying to survive.

> Earlier today, I received this on an e-mail list:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> My SO's bro just got orders and will be deployed to NO tonight.
> What is significant and not neccessarily reported in the news is that,
> essentially he is leading his unit there to shoot to kill. Most national
> guards are trained to do crowd control, or rescue; but his is specifially
> running the tactical unit (Bortac). He said he would prefer to arm
> his units with rifles (shots than will scatter a wide area) than machine
> guns right now...but we will see what he would sign out from the arsenal
> for his men...they are gonan stay for a month as told.
> Apparently the gangs had taken over Metrodome, and started moving across
> town to the nice rich area in NO. Let just say that most of the really
> rich people in the south live in that area, and there are a lot of
> Picassos being left behind....I do not think that this is just about
> shooting someone who try to steal a TV from Walmart.
> Tonight we were making satellite maps for her bro while he was back with
> his unit preparing to board the cargo plane. My SO went to school in NO
> and gave her bro all the tips he needed...(which gangs, which building in
> which district to hide, which projects, which buildings has hidden medical
> equipment..etc.)
> This is going to be very messy before it will be OK again. NO will never
> be the same. The Jesuit owned lands will probably be OK and restored, as
> will the French Quarter, but the rest would probably be left to rot...
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bob

Oh, sorry, I thought it was a personal email.
Rumors in email. Hard to pin down, heh?
Dee Dee