Randal > wrote:
>>>If the people who actually brew the beer don't know,
>>>why would you trust the opinions of random USENET readers?
>Hey! Hey! .... Hey!
>I am not random!
RANDom... RANDal... coincidence?
On the original question, I say they're brewing
it. And if it turns out to not actually appear on
the market it's due to a slight shift in the business
plans of the Underpants Gnomes.
ObBeer: Last night I had a beer only described as
"Rogue Ale." It was light in color, average in
body and alcohol, and somewhat somewhat Wit-ily.
What was it?
Joel Plutchak "It must be legal, the police are here taking
plutchak at [...] stuff, too." - A New Orleans looter, 30-Aug-2005