"Steve Dannenbaum" > skrev i melding

> Being fairly new to the wonders of wine, I would like to buy a small wine
> cooler; somewhere from 24 to 35 bottles. Right now I'm on a tight budget
> so
> I'm looking for value, without too much of a sacrafice in quality. I drink
> mostly reds, but I'd like to have a few whites on hand for my lady
> friends.
> Would someone be so kind as to make some recommendations. Thank you.
There's indeed much to glean from older threads, but my direct advice is:
don't buy.
Unless, of course, you live in a very hot area and need to have a 50-55F
storage for short term use (4-5 months)..
If you are that new to wine your best bet is to buy as needed from a
reputable dealer (with good, cool warehouses).
Browse around the world of wine, note what you like and find that your taste
will change. Why then fill your cooler with something you will not want in
5 years time?
Storing wine till maturity is an expensive and tricky business but some
rules of thumb apply: If you plan for an average 7 years storage and want
to drink 2 bottles a month, you will need space for 7*2*12=168 bottles...
Now, if the idea is to have a bottle or two ready for the ladies the fridge
will do. A lady a week will probably mean a bottle a week :-) and it will
surely keep in good shape in the refrigerator for double that time. Reds
may need a little chill from an hour or a half in the fridge, btw (best
served at 60-65F). Whites may need to be taken out half an hour early to
warm to 45-50F is your fridge is cold.