ntantiques wrote:
> kevin wrote:
>> Nancy1 wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> I dunno, but he didn't look destitute when he was being helped into
>>> the rescue boat - from what I read, some of his family (who DID
>>> evacuate) tried to get him to leave, but he didn't want to. He
>>> wanted to stay right there and "ride it out."
>> Not sure what your definition of "destitute" is - I saw a picture -
>> maybe the same one you saw. I wouldn't say he looked affluent. I
>> don't know if he's rich, poor or in between - and neither do you.
>> All blabber based on emotion and no facts. Maybe he's just older and
>> a bit - umm, eccentric.
>> From what I read Fats is 78 and lived in a 3 story house he'd owned
>> for
> a long time. He may have rationalized - as did many foolish people -
> that a home that had survived other storms would withstand Katrina. As
> my Dad got older, he got more, shall we say...determined. That may
> have been the case with Fats and at any rate I'm glad they found him.
> NT
Agreed... my father is 81 years old. They live on an island and have to
evacuate when a tropical storm/hurricane moves up that way. He told me last
time, "Jill, I'm getting tired of evacuating. Maybe we'll just tape up the
windows and sit here." But then again, they chose to live on an island with
one way on and off. Whatever they choose to do, I'm not blaming the current
administration. Has nothing to do with politics.