On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 17:33:20 GMT, Dan Krueger
> wrote:
>"We're old friends" = a joke. I don't know your boss, I don't even know
>his name.
>Post a copy of my correspondence with your boss. You can't seem to do that.
Unfortunately, I had no need at the time to ask for a copy, since all
that resulted from your complaints was a shared laugh between us at
the petty vindictiveness of someone going Real Life over some Usenet
posts. I figured it was you, or CAL, but it was only when my boss
referred to you by name that I had my suspicions confirmed.
The other reason I didn't ask for a copy of your e-mails to my boss? I
mean, besides the impotence of your attempt? I don't drag people from
meat space into Usenet disputes, particularly when they aren't
involved. You do -- or at least you tried to. I'm not about to post
e-mail to my boss, only to have you stammer and stutter about
Be a man. Grow a pair and admit that you wrote to my boss in an
attempt to get me in trouble over posts to Usenet.