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Dan Krueger
Posts: n/a

Interesting. "Real life" and "Usenet posts". When you type on your
computer do you fall into some fantasy land? Are you ashamed of what
you post? If I had a boss, he/she wouldn't have an issue with what I
post so why is it such a problem for you?

I never sent a complaint to your boss. If your "shared laugh" is the
result of a complaint then why are you dwelling on it. Sounds like more
of your signature trolling BS to me. Take it back to alt.cult.kibology
and spare the people here your sad story.

I would have emailed you privately but you seem to think that is

Get some meds.


Kevin S. Wilson wrote:

> On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 17:33:20 GMT, Dan Krueger
> > wrote:
>>"We're old friends" = a joke. I don't know your boss, I don't even know
>>his name.
>>Post a copy of my correspondence with your boss. You can't seem to do that.

> Unfortunately, I had no need at the time to ask for a copy, since all
> that resulted from your complaints was a shared laugh between us at
> the petty vindictiveness of someone going Real Life over some Usenet
> posts. I figured it was you, or CAL, but it was only when my boss
> referred to you by name that I had my suspicions confirmed.
> The other reason I didn't ask for a copy of your e-mails to my boss? I
> mean, besides the impotence of your attempt? I don't drag people from
> meat space into Usenet disputes, particularly when they aren't
> involved. You do -- or at least you tried to. I'm not about to post
> e-mail to my boss, only to have you stammer and stutter about
> "forgeries."
> Be a man. Grow a pair and admit that you wrote to my boss in an
> attempt to get me in trouble over posts to Usenet.