"Busted" because *you* say I was named? Try again, pro.
Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 17:58:46 GMT, Dan Krueger
> > wrote:
>>Not sure what this has to do with grilling a pizza but, poor Kevin, I
>>never said the alleged emails, letters, whatever were a forgery. I have
>>yet to see you prove that they even exist.
> Be a man, Dank. Why are you so afraid to admit that you wrote to my
> boss in an attempt to get me in trouble over posts to Usenet?
> He referred to you by name, Dank. First and last name, without any
> prompting from me. You're busted, Dank, but you're such a sad,
> pathetic, impotent putz that you won't even take responsibility for
> your actions.