sf wrote:
> On 2 Sep 2005 06:02:20 -0700, Seamus wrote:
>> Half a billion for bridges in Alaska ? $40M to protect a major city
>> ? You don't see the problem with this ?
> Here's more fodder for you:
> http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/arc..._09/007023.php
> The worst offense of all (I think) is that the hospital ship just left
> port today and won't arrive until Thursday.
> Hundreds of ambulances and busses were bottle necked too.
> http://www.jems.com/
> Do Not Self-Dispatch to Katrina
> Aug. 30, 2005
> In a release distributed yesterday, Michael D. Brown, under secretary
> of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response and head
> of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), urged all fire and
> emergency services departments to not respond to counties and states
> affected by Hurricane Katrina without being requested and lawfully
> dispatched by state and local authorities under mutual aid agreements
> and the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. Personnel from
> departments are to remain in their jurisdictions until affected states
> request assistance.
> Further, the U.S. Fire Administration asks that fire and EMS
> organizations remain in contact with their local and state emergency
> management agency officials for updates on requirements in the
> affected areas.
> Release Date: August 29, 2005
>> Never mind, GW taking his time to come off of vacation ....
> Don't get me started! He's not running for re-election, so he doesn't
> feel any need to make a show of caring the way he did with 9-11. I
> absolutely HATE his swagger. He walks around pretending he's got guns
> strapped to his hips.... and he still doesn't know how to talk in
> sentences.
A bureaucracy gone a muck. Florida wanted to send volunteer air boats with
crews to LA right after the storm but FEMA told them no until they could be
billed for it. I agree with you for sure on this one.
Joe Cilinceon