On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 23:56:19 GMT, Dan Krueger
> wrote:
>I'm done. You are babbling like a freaking moron. If you want to
>debate, this isn't the place. I haven't contacted you so you have
>"ignored" *nothing*.
Debate? This is your idea of debate? You've heard of google, right?
It's there for anyone who wants to review your history of constant
personal attacks, followed by me ignoring those attacks, for months
now. Yet you persist. That's k00k-sign, Dank.
>Anyone with a brain can see I haven't followed you from "group to
>group". Remember your crossposting to alt.cult.kibology? Maybe that is
>how I ended up there
I see. Your computer posts to ARK automatically. All of your personal
attacks to ARK are a result of me crossposting between ARK and AFB.
Jeebus, how stupid do you think people are? All anyone has to do is
google your username in ARK to see that FOR ****ING MONTHS NOW you've
been posting in ARK for no other reason than to hump my leg. Do you
really think anyone is stupid enough to believe that you did so
because a crossposted thread made you do it, month after month after
My god, but you are desperate.
> and it's a better place to post BS then this group
>that has a real purpose and a legitimate following.
Wave that Defense-of-Usenet flag, Dank. It ain't going to give you any
more support from readers here than it did in ARK. People just don't
like low-life, bottom-feeding scum who try to get other people fired.
If they did, you might own up to what you did, coward.
>End your troll, whackjob. No fish this time.
Why does my boss know your name, Dank?
Be a man. Admit what you did.