Jim Lane must be bored.
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Sheryl Rosen
Posts: n/a
Wayne Boatwright at
wrote on 9/4/05 1:59 AM:
> On Sat 03 Sep 2005 10:26:00p, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in
>> Wayne Boatwright > said:
>>> Until tonight, according to Google Groups, he has posted exactly 11
>>> article to rfc since 10/99. Now he can't keep his mouth shut.
>> He posts regularly. Google is wrong.
>> Carol
> Well, as one of the official hall monitors, I guess you would know. :-)
> Still, he can't seem to do anything but bash tonight.
who cares?
You all need to get out of the house more!!!!
There is an entire world outside your house....people actually interacting
FACE TO FACE and in-person!!!! They speak to each other, they hear one
another's voices!!!!! The SEE one another!!!
They can's amazing, really. Face-to-face interaction!!!
You guys really should try it sometime!
It's amazing that people really CAN interact without a computer!
Love like you've never been hurt
Live like there's no tomorrow
And dance like there's nobody watching
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