Hi Steve
But how long do you keep your wines before drinking?
Does your place have air-conditioning? Or can you find a cooler dark
place somewhere? If so, wine should be fine for a few months at least.
Only if you are thinking in terms of years do you you need to worry.
You also kind of imply that you can deal with red wines, which implies
to me you don't need a cellar. White wines do not tend to go bad any
faster than reds, and do not need to be stored at a different
temperature. You just need to cool them for serving.
Best wishes
On Sat, 3 Sep 2005 17:09:08 -0700, "Steve Dannenbaum"
> wrote:
>I'm the OP and the reason I think I need a cooler is that I live in Arizona
>which is about 3 miles from the sun!
>It gets really hot here and I entertain a couple-three times a week.
>"Steve Slatcher" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Fri, 02 Sep 2005 17:06:54 -0700, Midlife > wrote:
>>>So...... just what are the specific temperature maximums/fluctuations/time
>>>factors that put wine in danger? Don't we need to know more specifics to
>>>soundly advice someone?
>> We do, and I don'r believe ANYONE knows the answers. There are so
>> many variables involved.
>> I would also want to know from the OP (if he is still with us) what
>> his requirements are for long term storage. Why does he think he
>> wants a Wine Cooler/Cellar?
>> From the rest of his post, it seem like he should simply put a bottle
>> in the fridge when he thinks he will get lucky. And maybe buy a wiine
>> chiller sleeve for those unexpected visits..
>> --
>> Steve Slatcher
>> http://pobox.com/~steve.slatcher
Steve Slatcher