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Samartha Deva
Posts: n/a

jimbob wrote:
> Hi, Acetone (Propanone, C3H6O) is a natural product of fermentation,
> produced from the oxidation of propanol, an alcohol with one more
> carbon group than the familiar alcohol ethanol. It is as you know toxic
> in large doses, however, "acetone has been shown to have anticonvulsant
> effects in animal models of epilepsy, in the absence of toxicity, when
> administered in millimolar concentrations (see: Likhodii et al, 2003)."

It won't reach your mouth with bread - boiling point is 56.6 C/135 F. My
guess is that if you bake with sourdough below that temperature to keep
the acetone, it won't be bread but some kind of very sour soup.

> Don't forget Hutch. People have been eating bread for thousands of
> years. Any downsides have been well documented by now.

Absolutely - witch hunts and major disease and death in populations with
ergot poisoning.

I find some of those longish dark grains, often broken, pretty regular
in my rye grain. What's weird though is that they are white in the middle.
