Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright > said:
> > Until tonight, according to Google Groups, he has posted exactly 11 article
> > to rfc since 10/99. Now he can't keep his mouth shut.
> He posts regularly. Google is wrong.
Google may not be wrong... I've noticed lots of folks choose to waffle
back and forth between archiving and not archiving... then again Google
can be wrong, for a number of years it seems (with Deje News) my posts
weren't archived yet I never knowingly chose that option. Could also
be a PC glitch... haven't any of yoose ever discovered a PC gremlin
somehow muted your sound and changed other default settings. Heck,
sometimes rfc gets so boring I fall asleep at the keyboard mid
sentence, with my hand still on the mouse... I know for a fact I've
clicked in my sleep and made default changes, heck, once that I know of
I deleted my entire photo shop program.... for weeks I figured it was
gone foever, until one day I opened my recycle bin and there is was.