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Dave Smith
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OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:

> Ooh Oxtails! Yummy! :-)
> Not the same as ground beef soup luv! <lol>
> Oxtails I _always_ pressure cook.
> Those things are SO damned good but they price has gotten really high.

Mmmm I love ox tails. We used to eat them quite often when they were cheap. My wife
is the braising queen and does a great job on them. When we were first married (
32 years ago) we used to be able to get a really good feed of those things for
about 30 cents. Now it is hard to get enough for a meal for less than $12. It
seems like a waste of time and money to buy them, and all the other ingredients for
braising, and to spend all that time to make make an ox tail stew when, for less
money, I can slap a steak on the grill and sit down to eat it in less than 10