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Jean B.
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modom wrote:

> I spoke with mom tonight. Some of the crew at their house in Baton
> Rouge have found other places to stay. One, a student at LSU has
> returned to her appartment and offered to house her little brother for
> a time. The night the storm approached there were thirteen people,
> two dogs and two cats in my parents' house. My parents have lived
> alone for decades. It has to be a shock to their system.
> My uncle from Covington and his wife are still there. They don't know
> about their house, but since it's north of I-12, there's a chance it's
> not totally destroyed. His stepson from Orleans Parish and the rest
> of the family from down there are safe chez Odom in Baton Rouge, but
> their posessions are almost certainly gone. He's got two pairs of
> socks, two shirts, etc. Luckily his tech job in communications pays
> well, and under present circumstances offers serious job security. So
> they'll almost certainly do fine.
> My parents' house was only scratched a little and mom reports they
> only received a couple of inches of rain. Not so Covington, a few
> miles east of them. And then there's Biloxi, Gulfport, Slidell,
> Metairie, St. Bernard Parish, and the rest.
> My poor, beautiful New Orleans.
> OBFood: (from 1999)
> OBCharity: About 50 storm refugees are in a local Cow Hill motel.
> This afternoon D and I dropped off a hundred bucks with the desk clerk
> to help with their expenses. The rest will have to go to something
> more organized for the people who are suffering so badly.
> modom
> Only superficial people don't judge by appearances.
> -- Oscar Wilde

I'm sorry your family has been so caught up in this but glad
you could help and didn't fare worse.

Jean B.