Ray Haddad wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 01:10:03 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
> and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>Ray Haddad wrote:
>>>On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 20:17:31 -0400, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
>>>and "Bob (this one)" > instead replied:
>>>Only you could laugh at helping victims, sleazy boy.
>>This may be the shabbiest one from you yet. You know perfectly well that
>>I'm laughing at you and your trivial antics.
> When you become a big man like me,
*IF* I become remotely like you, I'll jump off a bridge. For the sake of
the rest of humanity.
> you'll understand, Boob
> Pastupido. You're an absolute mockery of a human being pretending to
> care for one group of people
Sure. <LOL> I posted a way for others to help, but I'm only pretending.
Does this pass for logic on your planet?
BTW, I still note nothing from you to help Katrina victims. Still.
Again. Nothing. I guess you can't even bring yourself to pretend you
care. More Ray logic. It's easy and fun and truth not necessary.
> while stepping all over a helpless
> female who had the misfortune of not liking the French fry recipe
> you posted.
Ray, start here. I never posted a recipe about this. It had nothing to
do with a recipe. If you're going to try to slam me with some past
event, at least get *near* the facts. And why didn't you do your white
knight and rush in to defend the poor dear when it was happening? Didn't
think to offer help then either? Didn't think of it at all? Knew you'd
get blown away, as usual? Were perfectly willing to let others take care
of it? Like with Katrina-victim help? Silent on aiding others; loud in
assaulting others.
It's really funny how this seems to be the only thing you can pull up to
try to assail me with. You mock yourself when you get the basic facts so
wrong and yet go on and on with them.
Silly, silly, Ray. Foaming at the mouth, urgently flaming but with a
tiny little fire...