"Kenneth McVay OBC" > wrote in message
> I have a question for the Pros in this group :-)
> I've been looking for a chili powder blend that replicates that wonderful
dark, smoky
> flavour common around San Antonio.
> A commercial product from SA, called "5 Alarm Chili" incuded chili powder
that was a
> purplish-black colour, and tasted incredibly good, but I can't find it in
> markets.
> All the commercial chili powders I've bought are the colour of paprika,
and they don't
> have the taste I'm looking for. Can anyone tell me what I need to add to
get that
> marvellous rich chili taste?
In a previous note I suggested you start your research using key words found
in the article.
To expedite an answer to your question, my guess is that the powder used in
San Antonio style Chile (where it was born) is dried and ground chile ancho
(fresh chile poblano, but when dried and ground is the darkest of all chiles
and is prolific throughout the Americas) then add cumin, which is not a
condiment used in 'original' Mexican recipes, and then add a Cayenne or
other ground red... red hot!... chile to give it the picante because a chile
ancho is not hot, just flavorful. There are dozens of online stores willing
to mail you powders if your Canadian postal service will let them through!