sf wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 21:41:11 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
>> I'm sorry, I was a bit harsh in my reply about your gallery show
>> and for that I truly apologize. I'm not going to blame this on PMS
>> or some other female "problem", just saying I know I can be a real
>> bitch and in this case I was. I'm sorry, Michael. I hope you have
>> a happy Labor Day.
>> Jill
> You were harsh, but you were talking from the perspective of someone
> who has a following and doesn't trust galleries to do the right thing.
True. He had a number of very expensive pieces stolen by the boyfriend of a
gallery owner in Minneapolis. She'd given the scumbag the keys. Then she
tried to claim it was a regular robbery even though only his paintings were
taken - CSI Minneapolis she ain't. She vamoosed from town shortly
afterwards. Then there was the other gallery owner who wouldn't let him set
prices on his own work - the owner wanted to set them way lower than what
LLL could sell them for by himself, without having to share 50% of the
(non)profit. So yeah, he doesn't much trust them. Not to mention, he owns
50% of a gallery himself so he knows how things should work.
Anyway, I am truly sorry for the things I said to Michael. Chalk it up to a
major bitchy moment.
OB Food: Looks like swiss steak today since I neglected to thaw anything

Since Mom's recipe has diced tomatoes in it, and I've had
concoctions of zucchini with tomato sauce, I wonder if I should dice the
zuc's and throw them in when browning the onion, garlic and steak?