Thread: Food safety.
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Default Food safety.

On Sun, 08 Feb 2004 13:00:46 +0100, MEow >

>1) I've been told that once you've defrosted frozen food, you shouldn't
>re-freeze it. Is that true? Why? Does it go for all kinds of food, or
>just some?

Microbes grow quickly in room temperature or hot afternoon
temperature. There are many, many recommendations about how long
various foods are "safe" at room temperature. If you thaw meat and
then refreeze, you've used up some of its 'safe' time. Thawing and
freezing also affects taste and quality. Meats, fish, preparations
with eggs and dairy (and meats) are some of the foods that should be
kept either hot or cold, but not in-between for long. A Google on
"food safety" will give you more information than you can digest.
>2) I've been told that you should never re-heat spinach

Say, what? You're making this up, right?