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Cwdjrx _
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Joseph Coulter said:

"Maximin Grunhauser Abtsberg Spatlese This was hands down my favorite of
the night, darker in color richer and yet balanced throughout."

I have had several outstanding wines from Maximin Grunhauser over the
years.It comes from Mertesdorf in the rather small Ruwer region. The
Abtsberg often is their best wine. In the best years these wines are
very long lasting, and some of their auslese and higher grades from 1971
and 1976 still are holding well. They tend to be lighter than many
Rieslings, but they can have great complexity and have the balance
needed to last.

Another Ruwer wine that is at the top, altough it was a bit in decline
several years ago, is Karthauserhofberg at Eitelsbach. By tradition,
they use a tiny label around the neck, and some people have been known
to ask a wine sales person if the bottle has lost the label. They make a
very dry trocken wine in additional to the standard wine for those who
must have a completely dry Riesling.

It would be interesting to taste both of the wines from the same year
and of the same grade, such as spatlese.

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