Dog3 wrote:
> sf > wrote in
> :
>> On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 17:52:44 -0500, Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>>> It feels good to be purging some of the unnecessary stuff we've
>>> accumulated.
>> I'm not in the collecting mode now, but I'm not ready to give up my
>> "stuff" either. Someday, someway, I'll be in that mood. The problem
>> is that once I have more room, I'll probably just start collecting
>> again.
>> The standing joke at work is "she who dies with the most *stuff*
>> wins".
> I'm in the process of sorting out my cookbooks. I'm still not sure
> which I'll keep and which I'll either give away or do what with.
> Perhaps in time I will be able to part with them. My cookbook
> storage is bulging and the biggest surprise in there are the dozens,
> perhaps hundreds of newspaper clips and scraps of paper with recipes
> on them.
> Now, if I could read my own writing...
> Michael
Once upon a time (20+ years ago) I had a roommate who was my brother. This
was back when I only owned 2, maybe 3 cookbooks but I'd accumulated a bunch
of recipe (index) cards. I had painstakingly typed the recipes in a word
processing program. Because I like hardcopies, I printed them out, did the
three-hole punch routine and put them in a three ring binder with
separators, like a cookbook, you know? One day I was going to cook
something - huh, where's my binder? Hey, have you seen my recipe binder?
"Oh, I threw that out." You did WHAT?! Why? "You ****ed me off so I threw
it out." You went in my room and threw out my private property?!!! "Well,
yeah." What the hell did I do to **** you off? "I don't remember." You
son of a...Aaaargh!
I'm still a big advocate of the old-style recipe cards. I was able to
recover (computer or not). But really, the nerve!