Bob (this one) wrote
> Poor Jim. No delete key. No filtering capability. Try Jockeys, they
> don't get quite as twisted as boxers.
> You know, look as I might in Google, I can't find much in the way of
> contribution from you here - 6 posts since May.
Poor Bob, he doesn't have the sufficient intellect to understand that
sometimes people need to change ISPs. Speaking of underwear, you might
take a stab at unbunching your own; you might feel slightly less bitchy
once the discomfort is gone.
The fact that you're looking me up on Google creeps me out a bit
though. Netstalk much?
> I know we all need net nannies to keep all us unruly folks in line and
> give preachy lectures, but that job is already effectively being done by
> a few others who also contribute stuff.
All that I suggested was that you keep your little personal hissy fits
in the appropriate group, instead of polluting several other groups.
Is that too hard for you to grasp, Bob? You do understand that neither
usenet nor the world revolve around Bob Pastorio, right?
Well, no. Obviously you don't. Poor Bob. What a sad little egocentrist.
> But thank you very much for your feedback. Your gift certificate for all
> the mulch you can shovel should arrive soon.
> Pastorio
Here's a helpful hint for you, Bob.
I'm done with you. I don't care to partake in your self-centered
bullshit anymore.
"Some people are like Slinkies. They really aren't much good for
anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them
down a flight of stairs."