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Charles Gifford wrote:
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> ...
>>On Sat 03 Sep 2005 10:26:00p, Damsel in dis Dress wrote in
>>>Wayne Boatwright > said:
>>>>Until tonight, according to Google Groups, he has posted exactly 11
>>>>article to rfc since 10/99. Now he can't keep his mouth shut.
>>>He posts regularly. Google is wrong.

>>Well, as one of the official hall monitors, I guess you would know. :-)
>>Still, he can't seem to do anything but bash tonight.
>>Wayne Boatwright *¿*

> Basher and Bashee are in the eyes of the beholder. As he well knows, Jim
> and I have been at odds before. He posts honestly and as he sees it. He is
> also one to help smooth the waters when he can. I have had the benefit of
> meeting Jim and having a bunch of beer with him at a Sandy Eggo Cook-In. We
> were easily able to establish a friendship. If I weren't an agoraphobic, I
> would love to meet him more often to dine at places we have in common. We
> don't live very far apart. He is a really funny and intelligent person. Sure
> we have our different outlooks on certain things, but don't we all! I just
> appreciate that he is honest and willing to compromise!
> Just to put things in perspective, I too am often a basher......I'm old
> fashioned that way. From my point of view, I am faced with a bunch of SOBs.
> On their part I am a testy old basher. <grin>
> Charlie

I've been called worse including old codger and, my favorite:
curmudgeon! Yea, I like that one!

Maybe I should elect myself as RFC's curmudgeon.

Too much effort. Think I'll just sip on some wine.

Clink, Charlie.
