Thread: Tea Wiki?
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  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>I'll bother to reply to this when I'm able to discern what you're
>talking about.

To clarify, the above comment was directed at Jim.

To clarify again, I'm not looking to suplant this forum, which I am
certainly in no position to do, but rather to have a little space for
people to share their tea experiences in a forum whose structure would
make it accessible.

>The place to share information about tea is REC.FOOD.DRINK.TEA.
>Anybody or anything else is just pretenders.

Jim, I honestly don't know what I have done to provoke this antagonism,
but I view it, frankly, as incredibly childish and not worth any
further consideration. I certainly won't be intimidated, which is the
only rational for this that I can make out.
