I think tea leaves need room to dance. The infuser is a compromise.
It gets the leaves out of the pot. I used the same clay Chinese pot
with clay infuser and bamboo handle at work for 20 years. It was
relatively shallow so you had to 'top' the pot for the infusion. After
the first cup no more brewing. I'd dump the leaves on a napkin, fold
and put in waste basket. It was no problem for cleaning services.
That was work. At home no infusers anywhere. I use a strainer or a
tea sock. Mostly my modified tea press where the strainer has been
retrofited to the lid and only comes into play when pouring. Sort of
an external strainer in the pot. I enjoy the agony of the leaves which
is why I only use glass for the pot. I like the British cup strainers
which fit on the tea cup rim so you can use two hands for the pot.
sherdwen wrote:
> jim nice post, the only thing i can add is if possible dont use a metal
> anything and stick to glass or clay/porcelain ceramic, also use a
> teapot with no infuser and pour over a strainer (again if possible not
> metal but metal will work because it is not in contact long) then it
> goes into the tea pitcher, (hope danny doesnt see me writing
> 'pitcher')hahhaha. the reason to skip the infuser is it cramps my
> style,,,,i mean the tea's infusing/infusion.
> icetea