Thread: Tea Wiki?
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Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a

You don't have too. It is one of my stream of consciousness tea rants
brought on by lonely bloggers,webmasters,portals looking to generate
traffic for their own special interest. I give you Usenet is media
challenged. But for a discussion group we can hold our own while
Google never forgets and everything else is trash blowing down the
street. The only reason I stick around is this curmudgeon still can
learn a thing or two about tea. I'm sitting on the sofa drinking
another cup of Xiaguan Iron Cake. I've noted the taste of the single
note versus the complexity of others in another post. It stuck me it
is the taste of camphor from a recent cooked crop so I don't have to
spend my money on old stuff.


Nico wrote:
> I'll bother to reply to this when I'm able to discern what you're
> talking about.