The funding cuts started in 2002 and went downhill from there. The most
recent cut is indicative of *attitude*. No one could have predicted
that a class 5 would hit in August 2005, but we knew there would be one
eventually. It was well known that the levee system would NOT hold up
under a class 5.
The *attitude* was such that NO's levees could remain in poor shape
while a bridge to nowhere @
250M should be built (that's 500K per capita on the target island *and*
they have a ferry, not pirogues or kayaks -- and an airport).
If a driver (Bush/Congress/DHS) is knowingly operating a vehicle (the
gov't) with faulty brakes (the Mississippi levee system) while
diverting the funds for repair to wine and caviar (bridge to nowhere),
and the brakes fail the driver is most certainly to blame for the
resulting accident.
By statute, the Federal Gov't is responsible for *all* navigable waters
within the US, and especially interstate routes such as the
Mississippi. The ACOE was given this responsibility under Section 10 of
the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (Chapter 33, Section 403 of the
United States Code). Funding cuts prevented the ACOE from doing its
work correctly. Work which was identified, funding requested and said
funding diverted to such pork as the "bridge to nowhere".
The rescue efforts were a problem. Local and state gov't's were
overwhelmed and in such cases the Federal gov't *must* pick up the
slack. Attitude and incompetance. FEMA director Brown being "unaware"
that there was a refugee problem at the Superdome, when anyone in the
world with a television set knew ! FEMA not allowing traffic carrying
food and water into the area ( excuse - no security as the Guard had
not shown; however Florida State troopers were ready to take
resposibility)."Mavericks" in a Air Force Reserve squadron took it upon
themselves to fly the supplies in by chopper , a job more
economically, safely and efficiently done by tractor-trailers).
Bush waiting two days to "end early" his vacation.