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Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> On Tue 06 Sep 2005 12:59:35p, ~patches~ wrote in
>>I'm not sure what is causing the spotting. We have soft water and I use
>>Electrosol Gel with Jet Dry Action. For some reason my pots don't like
>>the dishwasher. Fussy little buggers, I tell you! Thanks for the tip
>>of rubbing a little oil onto the non-stick coating. I'll give it a try.

> There are a lot of variables; water, detergent, different metals (not all
> SS is the same), and the DW itself.
> We have very hard water and, since we're renting, no option of installing a
> softener. At one point I thought the situation was hopeless, as we were
> getting spotting on almost everything. Our SS flatware was even becoming
> discolored. I tried most of the dishwasher products available, and finally
> hit on Electrasol Tablets with Jet-Dry PowerBall. The package recommended
> to continue using rinse agent in the dispenser if the water was very hard.
> All of this was an improvement, but I still was left with the result of
> previous washings; cloudy glassware, not so shiny SS. Then I found Lemi-
> Shine. That stuff cleared up all the problems. Now, about every 10th load,
> I fill the closed up with Lemi-Shine and drop a tablet in the tub.
> If you have soft water, you shouldn't need the Lemi-Shine, but you might
> want to try the Electrasol Tablets with Jet-Dry Powerball. I found it to
> be superior over the jel.

Thanks Wayne, I check out the Lemi-Shine. Is it available at a regular
grocery store or do you have to go to the hardware store? I've used the
powerball tabs before without luck so figured I was into having to wash
the pots and pans by hand.