On 6 Sep 2005 09:21:38 -0700, "Space Cowboy" >
>You don't have too. It is one of my stream of consciousness tea rants
>brought on by lonely bloggers,webmasters,portals looking to generate
>traffic for their own special interest.
Don't worry Nico, I fall into that same category somewhere too because
I have been the subject of many of the same specious rants for years
now. Where I come from we call it "intolerance". It is this same
intolerance that has driven so many others away from here. Don't let
this self-proclaimed curmudgeon (a bad-tempered, disagreeable,
stubborn person) bully you around. Follow your own heart and do your
own thing. I don't particularly agree that yet another tea forum is
needed but then who am I to impose that belief upon others. Go for it
if that's what suites you, OR if RFDT doesn't suite you could try
Tea-Disc or Teamail as well.
Mike Petro
"In this work, when it shall be found that much is omitted, let it not be forgotten that much likewise is performed."
Samuel Johnson, 1775, upon finishing his dictionary.