Thread: Tea Wiki?
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  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>just think, Lew. With his own forum, Nico could pick and choose among >those
>who want to participate. He could cut right to the wheat, and chuck the
>chaff. Of course, he will be lonely, but what they hay.


Wo there, my friend. I have no desire to control what people have to
say. I guess I perceived the possibility of having something to offer-
just maybe. I guess I imagined somebody wanting to look up a kind of
tea and seeing what others have written about it, or something. I'm no
expert in this kind of stuff. I just thought it might be cool and
wanted to see what other's thought of it.

I see this derision as completely unneccessary. Is what I said so
offensive that it warants this sort of thing? Why do you have to assume
the worst motives on my part? Why can't you formulate some constructive
criticism? Isn't that what this forum is about?

Let me just state this clearly. There is nothing anyone could possibly
type out in this kind of forum that will make me flinch for even a
second. My ego is not that fragile. I have nothing to prove. I just
want to get feedback and advice.

I think I'll just limit the site to folks who seek it out. We'll see
from there.
