"cathyxyz" > wrote in message
> Shaun aRe wrote:
> >
> >
> > Oh aye! And people who take themselves and their opinions far, FAR too
> > seriously, provide quite a lot of funny material, huh?
> >
> > Cheers!
> >
> > Shaun aRe
> > --
> > The use of absolutes is never appropriate.
> >
> >
> I have started to think of Usenet like this: you pays your money and you
> takes your chances
We don't always agree with each other <ahem> but
> that's the way it is...
Yup! I can in all honesty say though, that I don't get myself all in knots
over anything or anytone I come across on Usenet. That'd steal all the fun
out of it!
> Hey, where you been Shaun? I was wondering just yesterday.... we have a
> whole bunch of dried chillies... want some? not sure which ones are
> which anymore, but I am sure the "taste-test" would work
Was off work for a few days on hols, came back to shit-loads of work/hassles
and have been busy trying to get straight again = not much time for the
Regarding the chiles - thanks lots for thinking of me Cathy, but not only is
our kitchen full to bursting with heaps of dried chiles in bags, jars and
bottles, we also have our 25+ plants all fruiting now! Gonna be a bit chiled
out by the end of harvest, heheh...
In fact we're gonna have to seriously free up some freezer space to be able
to keep them raw but good until we get chance to process them all into
products, which means I have a helluvah lot of apple cider to get brewing,
since the big freezer has about 50 to 100lb of apples all but holding the
lid open at the moment... anyone in Lancashire got a small cider press to
lend me? Sheesh... heheheh...
I'm sure there's someone else who could make much better use of them than we
could at the moment. Again, thanks a lot though ',;~}~
Hope yer well me dear!
Shaun aRe
Life is the dream you wake up to.