Thread: Tea Wiki?
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Michael Plant
Posts: n/a


>> In what way is RFDT inaccessible?

>> /Lew

> What might (maybe), be lacking is an index of tea with info and
> reviews, which curious people can access. In other words, a wikipedia
> especially for tea.
> Also, I do indeed like RFDT and will continue to use it, despite some
> folks' seeming attempts to drive me from it. There are certainly many
> very nice, knowledgable, and helpful people who frequent this forum,
> and I wouldn't want that to change.
> I suppose this is a good a time as any to express my appreciation to
> all of you have provided clarity for me in my continuing quest to find
> the best cup of tea.
> Regards,
> Nico

Tea reviews. There's a theme worth doing. We had talked about it once
before, but I think the idea died. Perhaps your site could be a tea review
site. Could you table-ize it? Perhaps include discreet (sp?) places for 1)
type (broad), 1a) type (narrow), 2) source, 3) brewing temperature, 4)
amount of dry tea, 5) amount of wet water, 6) time the leaves swim in the
water, 7) comments, 8) other items I didn't think of. That way the verbose
and analytical would have there spaces, and the verbose and romantic would
also have theirs (the comments part). That way, your contribution would be
solid, especially if it were possible to organize the columns.

I suggest you illicit people to help you do it, especially those who have
already engaged in such projects in the past. Whaddaya say, Nico?
