Thread: Tea Wiki?
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Michael Plant
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Mike 9/7/05

> On 6 Sep 2005 22:01:30 -0700, "Nico" > wrote:
>>> In what way is RFDT inaccessible?

>>> /Lew

>> What might (maybe), be lacking is an index of tea with info and
>> reviews, which curious people can access. In other words, a wikipedia
>> especially for tea.

> Reminds me of the now stale "We Review Teas" site
> ( which was a very good
> effort that did exactly what you are speaking of. However, this is the
> danger of such a site, it takes someone to commit to maintaining it
> perpetually or it quickly becomes stale. There was talk of reviving
> the above site in a sort of "open source" community model, but I am
> not sure what the final decision ever was.

Mike, from a non-technical point of view -- the only one I've got, I fear --
the major maintenance issue for "We Review Teas" was that it was a
controlled site wherein the site master controlled who could review and who
could not. A similar site, but one in which anybody could add their stuff,
would require fare less control and therefore time, right? (I just read
your WHOLE paragraph above. Disregard my drivel.)

Still, I'd like to see somebody -- Nico/Nicolas, perhaps -- do this.
