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Default Char-Broil Grill review? Model 2215, Stainless at Lowes

In article >,
(Kostia) writes:

>Does anybody know anything or has this grill and can recommend it?
>The price is good, and I was almost certain I am going to buy it.
>However when I took a look at it at Lowes I found that the lid is not
>that heavy i.e. the sheet of metal is not that thick and definetely is
>not doubled as some others there. I was thinking that a heavier lid
>would keep the temperature better? Any comments? Is this a good grill?

Char-Broil has no Website, its products, according to Wal-Mart, are
manufactured in "country of origin"... that's a lot of money for a grill of
questionable pedigree... for my money I'm sticking with Weber.

Shipping weight in pounds: 217.0
Assembled Country of Origin: Imported
Components Country of Origin: Imported
Wal-Mart Item #: 001631922

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