Shaun aRe wrote:
> "cathyxyz" > wrote in message
>>I have started to think of Usenet like this: you pays your money and you
>>takes your chances
We don't always agree with each other <ahem> but
>>that's the way it is...
> Yup! I can in all honesty say though, that I don't get myself all in knots
> over anything or anytone I come across on Usenet. That'd steal all the fun
> out of it!
Me neither, these days. I make the odd "rude" remark every now and
again, but I think I must be getting mellow in my older years
>>Hey, where you been Shaun? I was wondering just yesterday.... we have a
>>whole bunch of dried chillies... want some? not sure which ones are
>>which anymore, but I am sure the "taste-test" would work 
> Was off work for a few days on hols, came back to shit-loads of work/hassles
> and have been busy trying to get straight again = not much time for the
> groups.
That's the pits about holidays - actually having to go back to work...
> Regarding the chiles - thanks lots for thinking of me Cathy, but not only is
> our kitchen full to bursting with heaps of dried chiles in bags, jars and
> bottles, we also have our 25+ plants all fruiting now! Gonna be a bit chiled
> out by the end of harvest, heheh...
> In fact we're gonna have to seriously free up some freezer space to be able
> to keep them raw but good until we get chance to process them all into
> products, which means I have a helluvah lot of apple cider to get brewing,
> since the big freezer has about 50 to 100lb of apples all but holding the
> lid open at the moment... anyone in Lancashire got a small cider press to
> lend me? Sheesh... heheheh...
> I'm sure there's someone else who could make much better use of them than we
> could at the moment. Again, thanks a lot though ',;~}~
I had to offer! I should have known it was like trying to offer tea to
China heh heh heh It was just when I saw them all sitting there, it
reminded me of you and I wondered what you had been up to.
> Hope yer well me dear!
Very well thanks. It is supposed to be spring over here now, but you
could have fooled me. We had a very mild July (which is usually very
cold - in our terms) and then August wasn't too bad. But the weather has
come back today to give us a swift kick in the pants as if to say,
Gotcha! The reason I mention the weather is that we have managed to have
a few braais outside and I was getting used to the idea again. Very hard
to plan any "weekend" feeding frenzies when the weather is unpredictable.