You're the guy who steals my ideas from this group and uses it on your
website under the guise of public domain. You run an infomercial
website with a stamp of approval from the various commercial links you
conveniently provide. The newsgroup charter prohibits commercial
posting. This is Usenet and not the WWW. You refuse to put up a
message board so we have to listen to the drool of websurfers. You so
far are the only lonely webmaster generating traffic for his site.
You've been joined by a few bloggers and a potential portal. It's a
matter of time before the group fills up with more special interest
links than discussion. If you can't say it here I'm not interested in
where you say it somewhere else. I'm not interested in anybody's blog,
website, portal. Anybody who uses the word intolerance is by
definition intolerant.
Mike Petro wrote:
> On 6 Sep 2005 09:21:38 -0700, "Space Cowboy" >
> wrote:
> >You don't have too. It is one of my stream of consciousness tea rants
> >brought on by lonely bloggers,webmasters,portals looking to generate
> >traffic for their own special interest.
> Don't worry Nico, I fall into that same category somewhere too because
> I have been the subject of many of the same specious rants for years
> now. Where I come from we call it "intolerance".