>No. This is usenet. I'll say whatever I damned well like, and you'll put my
>posts in your kill file if you don't like it. Sorry, but that's reality.
I certainly have no interest in censor anyone, Michael. I was just
suggesting that constructive criticism makes more sense than unprovoked
hostility and derision. Do you disagree? Sure, you or anyone else can
say what you like, but that doesn't entail that what you say makes
sense and cannot or shouldn't be objected to.
That said, upon reexamining your original post I saw the pun and I
actually laughed. It does, I think, nonetheless suggest that I want to
be some kind of puppet master of a forum and control what goes on. But,
as I think you now realize, the Wiki format is precisely not that at
all. It invites people to freely contribute to and edit posts.
To clarify once again, I at no point intended to antagonize anyone or
to suggest that this forum is inadequate. I simply had the idea that I
could contribute something that would be helpful to people.
>So, Nico, now that we've had this little chat, where are you from, and what
>is your favorite tea, and where do you get it?
I live in St. Paul, MN, where I recently graduated from Macalester
College with a major in philosophy. My favorite tea at the moment is
uncooked pu-ehr in its many incarnations, which I have really only
begun to explore. I find any vendors in China offer the best deals, but
I'm really a newbie at all of this.
Thank you, as well, for the very helpful input. That's all I was
looking for.