>The newsgroup charter prohibits commercial
>posting. This is Usenet and not the WWW.
I understand your wariness to turn this forum into a commercial expose,
but, at the same time, there are a lot of resources on the WWW that can
be helpful, and can't simply be transplanted or completely conveyed on
this forum alone.
BTW, I'd like to know from people what is considered acceptable in
terms of linking to other sites. If I crossed the line, I apologize.
In Mike's defense, in the month or so that I've been here he's offered
MUCH more helpful advice than you have. In fact, I would have to say
that, while he seems to have no other motive than to offer lucid
guidance in an often confusing subject, you seem to spend quite a bit
of time antagonizing people, and not in a very lucid or constructive
way at that. I honestly don't mean to provoke you here, but your
relentless attacks on Mike call for some objections from a third party.
I'm just describing what I've observed.
>If you can't say it here I'm not interested in
>where you say it somewhere else. I'm not interested in anybody's blog,
>website, portal.
That's fine, Jim, but it should be clear that you hardly speak for
And, for the record, I should state that the first time I became the
target of your ire is when I had the audacity to say I liked pu-ehr
with chrysanthemum (dare I say it again?). How does fit into your
Can I just say again that objecting to what someone says does not
entail an endorsement of censorship?