Thread: Tea Wiki?
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Mike Petro
Posts: n/a

Space Cowboy wrote:
> You're the guy who steals my ideas from this group and uses it on your
> website under the guise of public domain.

Jim, that old song is getting lame. Just because you said that you used
a a tea can as a Rosetta Stone once doesn't entitle you to a
copyright on the word or the concept. My idea for a Puerh Rosetta Page
was spontaneous and was totally independent of anything you may have
ever said. The word is quite commonly used in reference to translations
of all kinds, it is practically a synonym for translation, for you to
think you are the only one who could think of it is rather arrogant.

Besides, hearing you bellyache about copyrights rings kind of hollow,
not to mention hypocritical, when you yourself openly condone defeating
copyright protection.

> You run an infomercial
> website with a stamp of approval from the various commercial links you
> conveniently provide.

I guess you are reneging yet again, you said on 4/23/04 that "I'll take
your word you're website isn't a commercial venture". There is still to
this day nothing "commercial" about it Jim, I provide links to every
known online resource that I can find, whether they are commercial or
private is irrelevant as I provide them all as a public service and I
am affiliated with none of them. Calling it an infomercial is actually
slanderous, infomercials sell things, when have I ever offered anything
for sale on my website or on RFDT? Instead of being coy about my
sources, like you tend to be, I share what I learn with everyone. My
motives are simply to raise the quality/price/education bar in the
Western world. It is called a public service and judging by the traffic
it seems to be very popular in the online tea community, many of whom
frequent this group.

> The newsgroup charter prohibits commercial posting.

Another fine example of your ability to twist the truth on 2 counts.

1st) Nobody can "truthfully" call a commercial site as I
take great pains to NOT be associated with anything or anyone
commercial. I simply do "Consumer Reports" style reporting on the
Western Puerh world.

2nd) Show me specifically where the charter says that, because I think
you are GROSSLY misleading this group by making that statement. The
only quasi commercial reference is the prohibition of "advertising
herbal tea products".

BTW here is the actual charter lest anyone be swayed by Jim's hearsay.

"Discussion relating to tea, the world's second most consumed beverage
(after water), made by infusing or boiling the leaves of the tea plant
sinensis or close relatives) in water. Discussions of herbal teas
chamomile, sassafras, etc.) are also approved, but this newsgroup
NOT be used for advertising herbal tea products or discussing tea as
anything other than a beverage. Tea-as-medicine discussions should
place in"

The original thread can be found at

> This is Usenet and not the WWW. You refuse to put up a
> message board so we have to listen to the drool of websurfers. You so
> far are the only lonely webmaster generating traffic for his site.

Jim, I provide a public service, both here and on my website. What do
you offer this community other than a bunch of grief? I don't make
any money off of the site and nobody subsidizes my bills in any way.
Why should I pay extra money out of my pocket to put up a bulletin
board just to satisfy you? It isn't going to happen so just get over
it. I participate in the topics here that suite me, I was here long
before I made the website and I will be here long after it dies.

> If you can't say it here I'm not interested in
> where you say it somewhere else. I'm not interested in anybody's blog,
> website, portal.

Who died and made you the RFDT God? Just because you aren't interested
in something doesn't mean that others aren't, and it doesn't
meant that anyone who doesn't please you should go away either. I am
not interested in 90% of your irrational prose but yet you grace us
with it anyway, so why can't the rest of us say our piece?
