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Mark Lipton
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Default NYT article on wines of the Languedoc

Today's NY Times contains an article by Eric Asimov about the wines of
the Languedoc. It's not terribly profound, although generally factually
correct (exception: AFAIK carignan is not an allowed varietal in the S.
Rhone, unless one includes Costières de Nîmes/Bouche du Rhone). In
their tasting, the top wines are from estates I don't know well (Ch. de
Lascaux, Mas de Chimères, Jean-Michel Alquier, Ch. Belles Eaux) and ones
I do know (Mas Jullien, Ch. de Lancyre). Of no great surprise is that
the two top wines are brought in by Kermit Lynch and Louis/Dressner, and
of particular worry to Dale W will be their designation of the '04 Iche
'Les Heretiques' as a "Best Buy." So much for NYC stocks of it... ;-)

Here's the link:

Mark Lipton