Thread: Tea Wiki?
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  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Thank you, Mike and Nico, for your recent statements regarding polite
behavior and general decorum. I surf the web and I also have blogged,
and therefore this Space Cowboy person refers to my opinions as
"drool." The guy doesn't know me, though I have often winced
through his egregious and execrable attacks against others.

Mike, I am grateful for the resources you have placed at my disposal,
and you sell nothing at your site. In fact, you must work assiduously
to create and maintain such a public-service. I can't begin to
imagine the countless hours you put into it so that other people may
benefit, yet some person, this Space Cowboy, attacks you? What has he
done for the common good? Where are Space Cowboy's accomplishments?
I wish to see them!

Nico, like you, I too am a newcomer to pu'er, and like you, I come
here to learn and not to encounter continual obfuscation, negativism,
and personal attacks. Neither you nor I nor anybody should come under
attack. Especially irritating is the lack of coherence in Space
Cowboy's rants. If one reads carefully his effusions with an attempt
to reach some understanding, one is bound for frustration.

A quick search of "Rosetta Stone" indicates many groups using the
metaphor, some to make money, so not. I'm certain the metaphor based
upon an archeological discovery pre-dates the use by this Space Cowboy
person or anybody using it for tea.

Nobody owns common metaphors. The idea is ridiculous. I'm certain
Champollion is laughing and rolling in his grave.
