Thread: Tea Wiki?
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Mike Petro
Posts: n/a

Space Cowboy wrote:
> I just brought the new guy up to speed so your accusation of
> intolerance is in context. I first used the term Rosetta stone here
> while you were an active poster. You change that story every time.

As I said Jim, lame, and rather trollish even. I say Troll because you
argue anything I have to say, right/left, black/white, even if I said
the the sun was shining you would argue it. I havent changed my stance
a bit, you simply change the way you twist the facts.

BTW, just because I was an active poster does NOT mean that I read your
post, I have been known to ignore and otherwise killfile many of your
posts due to your high S/N ratio and Ad Hominem attacks.

> You're worse than Sasha fishing in other
> groups for what people said but I stand by that statement because the
> Supreme Court said I could do it for personal use and not because some
> vendor tried to keep honest people honest.

So its okay for you to publicly teach people how to defeat copy
protection but its not ok for me to use the word "Rosetta"? Bit of a
double standard if you ask me. Your just peeved because you got caught.

> You say public service I
> say infomercial with commercial links otherwise why not more links that
> sells puerh?

Umm Jim, to my knowledge, I have the most complete list of vendors who
sell puerh that exisits in the English language. Show me a more
complete list and I will stand corrected but I think you are talking
out of your tail again.

> If you impose the criteria you're selling something. The
> Charter taken as a whole prohibits commercial posting.

Show me where Jim, in what twisted logic do you get that from, please
tell me. I quoted the actual charter and I dont see it in there
anywhere! Since I am not commercial your statement is groundless

> We have a
> hypocrite that accused TeaTalk of using the newsgroup for commercial
> gain.

Once again you twist the facts, I got on their case for portraying that
this group was their own property, it was misleading at best. I dont
care if they linked to it, just portray it for what it is, they tried
to portray it as being theirs.

If you want to talk about being a hypocrite how about the fact that you
are now doing the EXACT same thing you criticized me for doing last
year when you said I should never buy tea off of ebay or the internet.
Look where you are buying your tea now!

<idiotic drivel sniped>

> I even changed puer sellers on Ebay. Now you can take a guess
> and blabbermouth who you think that is. You're batting 50/50.

Thats my point, I share information with others, you horde it..... If
you were truly intersted in contributing to the group you wouldnt be so
damn coy about everything.
