> If you impose the criteria you're selling something.
Look, Jim. If Mike were selling something on his site, he would have be
getting money from someone. Unless you're willing to claim that vendors
pay him to put their links on his site, then your claim is simply
nonsense. Financial transactions are a necessary condition for selling.
Also, the term Rosetta Stone is a very commonly used metaphor. Just
take a look.
See especially the last section, "use as metaphor". (Man, wikipedia is
such a great resource...)
>This is a discussion group and if you can't say it here then
>you're a special interest looking for traffic
I think you're probably the only person who rejects any use of outside
online resources. Lots of other people link to them on this forum. Your
logic escapes me, and repeating something a lot doesn't make it true.
Even conceeding your point (a stretch), so what if Mike wants people to
visit his site? I'm glad I was able to find it through RFDT, because
it's super helpful, and this forum could not possibly contain all that
info in a systematic, accesible way. If somebody knows of a good online
resource, then I would consider myself worse off if they didn't share
>You say public service I say infomercial with commercial links otherwise why not more >links that sells puerh?
If you think Mike is missing a vendor, why can't you just suggest one
like anyone else would. He provides his email in big ol' font at the
bottom of every page. I did a good amount of surfing for pu-erh before
I found his site, and thus far I haven't found a vendor with any kind
of selection that he's overlooked.
But I sense I might be wasting my time. I really doubt you're going to
concede any of these points. But maybe I can help you realize that your
highly negative and antagonizing posts here make it a less pleasant
place to be. I wouldn't be suprised if a few people have been put off
from posting here by it. In my book, what you're doing is far worse
than someone posting a link to some site, commercial or otherwise. If
you are indeed in the right, I challenge you to refute what I've said,
and not just repeat the same truisms.
If I'm way off base here, than I welcome everyone who thinks so to
openly call me out on it. I just think nonsense needs to be called by
what it is.