Thread: Tea Wiki?
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Mike Petro
Posts: n/a

On 7 Sep 2005 14:36:02 -0700, "Space Cowboy" >

>Charter taken as a whole prohibits commercial posting.

Lets see, quoting from the original RFDT Charter documents:

From Thu Jan 12 14:07:15 1995
Possible topics include:

- History of tea cultivation, trade, culture, etc.
- Tea preparation and service
- Effects of tea on health
- Relative merits of specific tea varieties, brands,
blends, etc.
- Where to find specific teas

Pay particular attention to that last bullet....

The original thread can be found at

That's pretty much what I talk about when I am not defending myself
against your insipid attacks. So exactly how am I violating the
Charter? Please be specific Jim, VERY specific.

You know, when Sasha mentioned that you are actually a lawyer I was
floored. I used to think that Lawyers were getting a bum rap, but now
I see where all those odious Lawyer Jokes come from.

Mike Petro
"In this work, when it shall be found that much is omitted, let it not be forgotten that much likewise is performed."
Samuel Johnson, 1775, upon finishing his dictionary.