Thread: Tea Wiki?
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Steve Hay
Posts: n/a

Hey Nico,

Might I suggest if you were going to do a Wiki for these purposes, I
agree with Michael that you should probably be able to drill down on
many different things. This is a little different than what I've seen
on a traditional Wiki, where the content is more free-form.

That being said, a looser Wiki-style with a tea-review thing integrated
into it would probably be kind of cool.

Nico wrote:
> That said, upon reexamining your original post I saw the pun and I
> actually laughed. It does, I think, nonetheless suggest that I want to
> be some kind of puppet master of a forum and control what goes on. But,
> as I think you now realize, the Wiki format is precisely not that at
> all. It invites people to freely contribute to and edit posts.